Unique and exclusive models

Back in the ’69 and ’70, creativity & ingenuity in F1 was a great differentiator, could be tested in every race and make team win/fail and LEARN.

This is the Ferrari 312-69 raced by Chris Amon at the Dutch GO on June 21st, 1969. Look at the dramatic difference of the front and mainly on the rear wings to the standard race in previous races. See before last Photo comparing with the 312 GP race by Amon on the Spanish GP on May 4th.

And the following races see la last photo on the 312-69 race on June 21st and the GRB GP on July 19th, less than a month later, see last photo. There were not computer or wind tunnels then.

The Chronicle    The Race

1969-06-21 312 F1-69 (8) Chris Amon HOL - Zandvoort 3

1969-06-21 312 F1-69 (8) Chris Amon HOL - Zandvoort 3

Back in the ’69 and ’70, creativity & ingenuity in F1 was a great differentiator, could be tested in every race and make team win/fail and LEARN.

This is the Ferrari 312-69 raced by Chris Amon at the Dutch GO on June 21st, 1969. Look at the dramatic difference of the front and mainly on the rear wings to the standard race in previous races. See before last Photo comparing with the 312 GP race by Amon on the Spanish GP on May 4th.

And the following races see la last photo on the 312-69 race on June 21st and the GRB GP on July 19th, less than a month later, see last photo. There were not computer or wind tunnels then.

The Chronicle    The Race